Agility and durability are the most essential qualities of a military operation shelter. These shelters must withstand harsh environmental conditions — everything from extreme heat to violent dust storms and snow banks, and be able to be quickly moved to new locations. Rekord Structures has acquired BATLite® (pronounced battle-light) to create a rapid deployable, turn-key, energy-efficient structures with nearly indestructible tactical lighting systems.
BATLite tactical lighting systems are designed to withstand the rugged wear and tear of military operations, including harsh weather conditions, maintaining operation in temperatures ranging from -48 F to +148°F. Once installed, BATLite systems can remain in tents as they are broken down, stored, and moved to new tactical locations, therefore requiring a one-time installation. These light systems have an unprecedented life expectancy of approximately 50,000 hours. All BATLite products are fully in compliance with the Berry Amendment (10 U.S.C. 2533a) as implemented by DFARS 252.225-7012.
Rekord Structures’ rapid deployable shelters equipped with BATLite tactical lighting systems are an effective and efficient turn-key solution that exceeds the needs and rigid requirements of United States military operations.
Rekord’s shelters are made from high-quality, durable fabrics that are designed for extreme weather and UV-resistance. Rekord Structures rapid deployable shelters are now equipped with BATLite lighting systems, with either red or blue mission critical settings, plus a range of amenities installed by trusted partners, such as certified electrical installation, HVAC, ventilation and air sterilization systems.
“The acquisition of BATLite has been a huge step forward as Rekord Structures continues to grow, both abroad and in the United States,” said Yuliia Nevmerzhytska, Business Development Manager of Rekord Structures. “This is just another way for us to offer full-scale solutions for our clients, one that is set up fast, can be easily installed, and moves with the shelter.”
“The acquisition of BATLite’s nearly indestructible, energy-efficient lighting systems makes Rekord Structures a one-stop shop for military-grade rapid deployable shelters ,” said Cole Duffy, General Manager of BATLite. Rekord Structures’ rapid deployable shelters featuring BATLite tactical lighting systems can be installed in minutes. Because BATLite can be left in the tent during installation, breakdown, and storage, it makes set up more efficient. They also save operations money and energy as BATLite’s LED lighting systems use about 60% less energy than fluorescent lighting.
Rekord Structures is a global leader in engineered temporary structures that exceed the rigid guidelines of the U.S. military. Their structures provide the durability, security, and customizations necessary for military facilities that can be installed in complex environmental conditions. Equipped with BATLite, Rekord Structures provides resilient tactical structural solutions.