For those of you in the tent and event rental industry, the year 2020 can likely be summed up by one sentence: Abnormal is the new normal. While many seasonal and yearly events have been put on hold due to COVID-19, I’m happy to report that this magazine hasn’t deviated from tradition.
The October/November issue of InTents includes Part 1 of our annual Premier Product Showcase. Keeping their momentum from last year, our contributors submitted so many products that, once again, we had to split the showcase into two parts. We asked for the latest products and services that help save tent rental companies time and labor, perform safer installations and turn a profit—and our contributors delivered. In this issue, you’ll find products in the categories of tents and structures, decor and accessories, and fabric and hardware. Part 2, which will appear in the December 2020–January 2021 issue, will showcase products in the categories of tent manufacturing and repair, and tent rental equipment and services.
It’s also time for another yearly occurrence: the InTents Buyer’s Guide. The annual Buyer’s Guide—the tented events industry’s comprehensive guide to products, services, equipment and supplies—reaches members far and wide, and the online signup form will be open Nov. 9–Dec. 7, so watch for reminder emails. In addition, your company has the opportunity to snag a spot on the cover of the Buyer’s Guide. We’re looking for high-resolution photos of the best work the tent rental and event industry has to show. The submission period runs Oct. 1–Nov. 1., so now is the time to wow everyone—for free! For uploading instructions, visit
During this fall season, while the abnormal continues to be the new normal, I hope you find comfort reading this magazine and knowing that teams are still conducting on-site evaluations, tents are still being installed and new event rental products are still hitting the market even as our industry continues to weather the storm.