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Resolutions, goals and decisions

Industry News, News | February 1, 2017 | By:

Whatever you want to achieve, the 2017 InTents Buyer’s Guide will help you get there.

Would it surprise you to know that I’ve kept all of my new year’s resolutions?

Confession: While you are reading this in early February or later, I’m writing this on Jan. 3. So far so good!

I did take a new approach this year—one that didn’t involve pie-in-the-sky “I’m going to the gym every day!” kinds of resolutions. (I’m already thinking more about “pie” than “gym.”) Rather, I approached 2017 by reviewing personal and professional highs and lows of 2016 and assessing how those events align with my values. From there, some specific goals emerged.

But maybe goals aren’t enough. Erik Larson, founder of the app Cloverpop, writes in “Forbes” that business decisions are much more likely to be successful than resolutions or goals. According to his company’s research, only 10 percent of people follow through on resolutions, while 30 percent follow through on business goals and 90 percent follow through on business decisions.

So why do we focus on resolutions likely to fail instead of decisions that will succeed? “Decisions are work,” Larson writes. “We have to make a choice, accept trade-offs, put in effort. But here’s a more uplifting way to look at it: Decisions require a little effort upfront, but then it’s like they happen automatically. It actually takes incredible willpower to stop following through on a decision once we make it.”

Whatever resolutions, goals or decisions you’ve made for your business in 2017, this annual InTents Buyer’s Guide will help you achieve them. Here you will find the tents, fabrics, decor, equipment and services—and the industry experts behind them—to meet and surpass your vision for your company.

Jan. 1 isn’t the only day of the year to make decisions that will affect your personal and professional future. Happy decision making, whatever day of the year it is!

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