A draft code proposal for temporary structures was released by FEMA for next year’s ICC Code Development Cycle. The change in language, which is referenced in 3103.6.1.3, suggests “banning temporary structures in floodways and high hazard coastal areas.” FEMA did not provide any evidence or research to support the change in code and we plan to comment and reject the code language. We will also work with supporting committees and groups to address this issue.
Additionally, we attended the International Code Council (ICC) Hearing that took place Oct. 23-30, 2024, in Long Beach, California. The ICC Hearing covered fire codes and life safety issues. The purpose in attending was to address the International Building Code (IBC) issues that the industry wants to get in front of in the next edition of the IBC, and to look for language that is not in the best interest of the shade industry.
Items addressed in the ICC Hearing resulting in positive changes to code language include:
- F-198: This is a clarification proposal for large (>400 sq. ft.) air-supported structures. The revision received a favorable action from the committee.
- F-199: This item was submitted by ASCE to coordinate the IFC with the IBC. It received a favorable action from the committee.
- F-200: An editorial item to clarify that the document used is a certificate, not a formal, potentially legal, affidavit. The committee stayed with their action from the first committee hearing.
We wanted to update you on the new changes occurring and will continue to keep you posted.
Members of the FSA, PAMA and/or TRD divisions of ATA have access to an industry expert in building and fire codes and can ask specific questions. Please feel free to reach out to Christine Gerard, or Paul Armstrong at Ask the Code Consultant.